Novi Sad School of Journalism organized the Annual award ceremony for the best young reporter in Novi Sad. It was held in the conference hall of the Town Hall on the 30th of December 2011. The winner was Dejan Stojicic, journalist of Radio 021, while praised for his work was Šinković Norbert, a journalist of Radio Novi Sad, the editorial board of the Hungarian language. The mayor of Novi Sad, Igor Pavlicic gave the award to the winners.
For eleven consecutive years, Novi Sad School of Journalism awards young journalists from different media. This year, the prize is awarded to those involved in radio journalism.
The jury was assambled of Agnes Asodi Curcic (Novi Sad School of Journalism), Nedim Sejdinovic (Independent Association of Vojvodina Journalists) and PhD Dejan Pralica (Department of Media Studies Faculty of Philosophy).
The event was organized with the support of the City of Novi Sad.