The documentary film “Witnesses” for which the authors Miloš Teodorovic and Ivana lalić Majdak have got the EU award for investigative journalism published in 2014. in Serbia will be publicly emitted in Novi Sad.
The projection is going be held on October 29 (Thursday) at 6 pm in the Cinema Hall of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad. Entrance is free. After the projection, the filmmakers will answer the questions from the audience.
Documentary film “Witnesses” deals with the position of the protected witnesses in court proceedings which are initiated due to the crimes in Kosovo. The willingness of people from the police, army and paramilitary groups to speak out about the crimes in which they have participated or which they witnessed, was never encouraged, but these people were exposed to threats and blackmails.
The award is established by the European Commission, DG Enlargement, following the EU Enlargement strategy which recognizes strong need for ensuring freedom of expression in the media, and for support to investigative journalism to monitor the reform processes and to keep the historical momentum toward the EU accession. The EU award for investigative journalism aims at celebrating and promoting outstanding achievements of investigative journalists and improving the visibility of quality investigative journalism in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
The competition was open during the May of 2015 for the authors of the investigative stories reporting on societal issues related to abuse of power and fundamental rights, corruption and organized crime in Serbia that otherwise would not have been brought to the public’s attention.