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P + P = E

(Ministry for agriculture and and Environmental Protection, October 2017 – November 2017)

The project “P + P = E” was designed to encourage young people to be informed about the state of the environment and interested in its protection. Through the ten episodes of the audio-series, the key environmental issues will be analyzed: wastewater, alternative forms of energy, animal protection, the importance of forests, the importance of biodiversity, recycling, climate change…

Presentation of information will be accomplished through interviews with ecologists, made by the peers of the target group, and a special segment of the series will be songs about the environment that are written by affirmative poets for children. The series will be broadcast on Radio 021, as on the internet podcast.

The project was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.

Project Coordinator: Mirjana Komnenović Inić,

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