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Reading the media – implementation of the EU recommendations for the introduction of media and information literacy into education

Duration: January 1, 2018 – July 31, 2018.

The overall objective is introducing the EU recommendations of media and information literacy into the existing school system of primary education in Serbia. Novi Sad School of Journalism and Bilbioteka plus as recognized CSOs dedicated to increasing media literacy among teachers and librarians in the past ten years are partners on this project.

Specific objectives: professional training of the primary school teachers for the implementation of media and information literacy in teaching; creating a curriculum and providing all the necessary educational materials for introducing media literacy in schools; enriching the existing extracurricular curriculum of schools; the introduction of innovative methods in the existing teaching units; the development and encouragement of critical thinking and student interaction; the development of children’s media and school production

Expected results – 100 educated teachers, online practicum, implemented media literacy tools in schools subjects, over 1000 students interactively participate in school classes, founded and improved 5 school media

Direct target groups – 100 teachers from 5 primary schools in Serbia, 20 students, 50 representatives of decision makers; Civil Society Organizations, the media and the citizens of Serbia

Activities – the first module: development of educational materials for training seminars of educational employees; making a practicum for teachers of primary schools; the second educational module of media literacy; the sixth module: the final conference and a festival of creative skills

The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Belgrade Open School, within the framework of the program “Civil Society for the European Union” with the support of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Mission Defence: How... Reading the media...