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Youth against disinformation

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, march – december 2022.

The aim of this project was to develop the skills for critical analysis of media content among European youth workers, and with that aim this project contributed to the objective of Erasmus+ program to provide non-formal opportunities for educational and professional development of youth workers.

Second objective of the project was to build capacities of youth workers for creative and proactive use of media. Participants acquired transferable skills that have the potential to transform the youth work from changing the perspectives in approaching youth as target group to usage of media, information and digital literacy skills in their everyday work.

Direct target group of this project were 11 youth workers from 3 European countries – Serbia, Spain, and North Macedonia.

This project, with the Training Course and follow-up activity creation of media stories, brings several benefits that respond to the needs of the participating organizations through cultural exchange and building capacities of European youth workers for media content analysis and fake news deconstruction.

Project coordinator: Milica Janjatović Jovanović,

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