(Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija, januar – avgust 2017)
U okviru projekta „Sajber svete, čuvaj dete“ biće kreiran edukativni video-serijal, zahvaljujući kojem će roditelji na vizuelno dopadljiv, dramaturški konstruisan i sistematičan način biti upoznati sa opasnostima koje vrebaju u onlajn svetu, ali i sa mogućim vidovima prevencije. Svaka od deset epizoda imaće poseban tematski fokus, a serijal će biti postavljen na You tube kanal Novosadske novinarske škole.
Ovakav program, usmeren ka majkama i očevima, veoma je važan iz dva razloga: prvo, rukovanje onlajn sadržajima je jedno od retkih sfera života u kojima deca mogu da imaju više iskustva od sopstvenih roditelja, a taj disbalans treba smanjiti na obostranu korist; drugo, roditelji su jedini akteri na ovom polju koji imaju mogućnost stalnog nadzora nad decom, za razliku od škole, koja takvu mogućnost ima u veoma ograničenom obimu, ili od države, koja nema i ne može imati alate za neposrednu kontrolu onlajn sadržaja sa kojima deca dolaze u dodir.
Teme koje će ovaj serijal obuhvatiti su sledeće: 1) fotografije i klipovi; 2) privatnost i lični podaci; 3) pretnje i vršnjačko nasilje; 4) kontakt sa nepoznatim osobama; 5) neprikladni sadržaji; 6) virusi, crvi i trojanski konji; 7) onlajn igrice; 8) deep web; 9) onlajn kupovina i marketing; 10) zavisnost od interneta.
Kooridnator projekta: Stefan Janjić, stefan@novinarska-skola.org.rs
(Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, January – August 2017)
Within the project „Cyber world, keep the child safe“ an educational video series will be created, thanks to which the parents will become more familiar with the the dangers that lurk in the online world, but also with the possible forms of prevention. Each of the ten episodes will have a special thematic focus, and the series will be posted on NSSJ You tube channel.
This program, directed at mothers and fathers, it is very important for two reasons: firstly, handling online content is one of the few areas of life in which children may have more experience than their own parents, and this imbalance should be reduced to their mutual benefit; Secondly, the parents are the only actors in this field who have the possibility of permanent supervision of the children, unlike school, that has such a possibility to a very limited extent, or state, which does not have and can not have the tools for direct control of online content to which children come into contact.
Topics that will encompass this series are: 1) photos and clips; 2) privacy and personal data; 3) threats and bullying; 4) contact with strangers; 5) inadequate facilities; 6) viruses, worms and Trojan horses; 7) online games; 8) deep web; 9) online shopping and marketing; 10) depending on the Internet.
Project coordinator: Stefan Janjić, stefan@novinarska-skola.org.rs