CILJ PROJEKTA: Osnovni cilj projekta jeste da unapredi procese medijske produkcije, stavljanjem akcenta na osobe sa invaliditetom i njihovo aktivnije prisustvo u medijskoj sferi. TRAJANJE: 1. jul 2013-31. decembar 2013. godine PARTNERI: Nosilac projekta je Novosadska novinarska škola OPIS PROJEKTA: Projekat se ralizuje u dve faze. U pripremnoj fazi edukuju se mladi novinari i ostvaruje se saradnja sa organizacijama koje okupljaju osobe i studente sa invaliditetom. U produkcijskoj fazi, na osnovu razmene iskustva sa osobama sa invaliditetom studenti novinarstva pišu sinopsise, a potom uz pomoć reditelja i montažera iz NNŠ kreiraju tri medijska TV paketa u trajanju do pet minuta. Projekat podržava Ministarstvo kulutre i informisanja Republike SrbijePROJECT GOAL: The main goal of this project is to improve the process of media production, especially focusing on persons with disabilities and their more active presence in the media sphere. DURATION: July 1st 2013 to December 31st 2013 PARTNERS: Novi Sad School of Journalism is project carrier PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project will be implemented in two phases. During the first phase of the project young journalists will be educated and cooperation with organisations that gather persons and students with disabiliteis will be established. During the second, production phase, based on the exchange of experiences journalism students had with students with disabilities, journalism students will write synopsis, and then with the help from a director and a producer from Novi Sad School of Journalism and will create three TV feature stories that will last no longer than 5 minutes each. Project is supported by The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia.