IME PROJEKTA: A-COP: Civilno društvo protiv korupcije u policiji
DONATOR: Delegacija Evropske unije u Republici Srbiji i Kancelarija za saradnju sa civilnim društvom Vlade Republike Srbije.
UČESNICI: Deset organizacija civilnog društva iz cele Srbije, predvođenih Beogradskim centrom za bezbednosnu politiku (BCBP).
TRAJANJE: 18 meseci (decembra 2012 – jun 2014)
OPIS PROJEKTA: Okupljeni u A-COP grupu sa ciljem da se civilno društvo uključi u borbi protiv korupcije u policiji.
Korupcija je jedna od najvećih pretnji bezbednosti, razara institucije i ograničava njihovu sposobnost da odgovore na bezbednosne izazove. Štaviše, ona „jede“ krajnje oskudne resurse kojima država raspolaže.
Izradom specifičnih studija slučaja korupcije u policiji na lokalu i zagovaranjem konkretnih mera – mehanizama za unapređenje borbe protiv korupcije u policiji, ali i podizanje svesti građana Srbije. Podizanjem kapaciteta organizacija-učesnica A-COP grupe.
PROJECT NAME: A-COP: Civil Society against Police Corruption
SUPPORT: EU Civil Society Facility Serbia Programme
PARTICIPANTS: 8 CSOs, the Ministry of Interior and police officials, Serbian citizens, 18 journalists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia
DURATION: 18 months (December 2012 – June 2014)
DESCRIPTION: The project’s main objective is to network eight Serbian CSOs into the A-COP group and to build the group’s capacity for monitoring and advocating for the implementation of anti-corruption policy in the police. The reason behind the formation of the group lays in the fact that in Serbia approximately fifteen CSOs deal with anti-corruption policy, but only two are focused on the police, covering this issue only occasionally and in an inconsistent manner. Also, tackling police corruption demands special research and advocacy skills because the police force operates under the veil of secrecy. By creating the A-COP, these initiatives will be joined and strengthened, and the group as a whole will gain and develop knowledge and skills for systemic monitoring and advocating anti-corruption policy in the police.