US Embassy and Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (IJAS), January – August 2024.
Overall aim of the project “Equal and truthful: deconstructing gender disinformation in the media” was to improve equal and truthful reporting on gender in the media in Serbia.
The primary target group of the project were journalists and journalism students, while the secondary beneficiaries of the project activities were media, media associations, civil society and citizens of Serbia.
Results of project activities:
- 16 educated journalists at Training on analysis and factchecking gender disinformation,
- 9 study cases on gender disinformation in Serbia written by the participants of the Training with the mentorship support of NSSJ,
- 1 published report on gender disinformation with recommendations for journalists.
Published study cases on gender disinformation could be read in Serbian language on these links:
- Hymenoplasty in Serbian Media: Sensationalism and Disinformation about “Restoring Virginity”
- Using Anti-Gender Narratives when Accused of Violence
- Reporting on Transgender Athletes: Sensationalism and Bias as Contributors to Stigmatization
- From Sterility to Bill Gates: Disinformation in Comments on News about the HPV Vaccine
- Gender-Sensitive Language and Penalties: Who Can Choose Between “Judge” and “Female Judge”
- Disinformation about Transgender Issues: Youth, (De)Transition, and (De)Pathologization
- The Impact of Gender Disinformation and Manipulation on Spreading Hate Speech in Comments Sections
- Discrediting Success with Anti-Gender Narratives: The Case of the 2024 Serbian Competition for Representative on Eurovision
- Sex Change: Regulation, Manipulation and Disinformation
The project was implemented within the Small Media Grants Program funded by the US Embassy and administered by the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia. The views, opinions and conclusions expressed in the project do not necessarily express the views of IJAS and the US Embassy, but solely those of the author.